The Cornerstar Which Wich sold its 1,000th Project PB&J sandwich. Jay Goldstein, owner of the Cornerstar Which Wich in Denver, Colorado, attributes this in no small part to a very special GM at his store who has taken this project to heart. Tyanna Bourret, General Manager, is approaching her third year with Which Wich
. “I first heard about Project PB&J when Jeff Sinelli came out to Colorado.” Tyanna said, “I thought it was really cool hearing him really express the fact that he truly does want to make the world a better place. It wasn’t a line. You could just tell by the way he spoke that it really meant something to him.


“When we got opportunity to start Project PB&J in our stores, I thought this is the only place where we’re encouraged to give food away and that’s really cool. I just started telling all my customers about it and they wanted to be a really big part it. When I really first realized how much of an impact this could have was when we made our first donation. One of my regular customers is part of a church and they prepare meals for people all around Denver; they take food to homeless shelters. They asked if we would donate PB&Js so they could have more food to take to these places. So I talked to Jay and two weeks later me and my team members made 100 PB&Js and I drove them down to that church. There were about a dozen people there making all these things to give out. When they saw me, they started clapping. I didn’t understand why until I started talking to everybody and they said they asked 100 businesses if they would donate food and I was the only one who told them I could. They were just in shock that some big company would want to help their little church feed people in need in Denver. I was just absolutely moved.”